What Does a Full Wax Include?

What Does a Full Wax Include

Waxing is a popular method of hair removal that can be done on various parts of the body. It is a process that involves applying warm wax to the skin and then removing it along with the hair. There are different types of waxing, including full waxing, which involves removing hair from multiple areas of the body. In this blog post, we will discuss what a full wax includes, as well as tips for preparation and aftercare.

What is a Full Wax?

What is a Full Wax
What is a Full Wax

A full wax is a type of waxing that involves removing hair from multiple areas of the body. The areas typically included in a full wax are the legs, bikini area, underarms, and sometimes the arms and face. This is a comprehensive waxing service that can leave the skin feeling smooth and hair-free for several weeks.

Before Your Wax

Before getting a full wax, it is important to properly prepare for the appointment. Here are some tips to follow:

Let your hair grow: In order for the wax to properly adhere to the hair, it is recommended to let the hair grow out for at least two weeks prior to the appointment.

Exfoliate: Exfoliating the skin before the appointment can help to remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hairs.

Avoid certain products: It is important to avoid using certain products on the skin before the waxing appointment, such as moisturizers and oils. These can prevent the wax from properly adhering to the skin.

Before Your Wax
Before Your Wax

Wear comfortable clothing: Wearing loose, comfortable clothing to the appointment can help to prevent irritation to the skin after the waxing.

Consider taking a pain reliever: If you are concerned about pain during the waxing, consider taking a pain reliever such as ibuprofen before the appointment.

It is also important to have a consultation with your waxing professional before the appointment to discuss any concerns and ask any questions you may have.

The Waxing Process

During a full wax, the waxing professional will typically start by applying warm wax to one area of the body at a time. The wax is then removed, along with the hair, using a cloth or paper strip. The process is repeated for each area of the body that is being waxed.

The Waxing Process
The Waxing Process

There are different types of wax that can be used during a full wax, including hard wax and soft wax. Hard wax is applied in a thicker layer and does not require a strip for removal, while soft wax is applied in a thin layer and requires a strip for removal. Your waxing professional will determine which type of wax is best for your skin and hair type.

The length of time it takes to complete a full wax can vary depending on the areas being waxed and the amount of hair present. It typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour to complete a full wax.


After a full wax, it is important to take care of the skin to prevent irritation and promote healing. Here are some tips for aftercare:

Avoid certain activities: It is recommended to avoid activities such as hot showers, saunas, and swimming for at least 24 hours after the waxing to prevent irritation to the skin.

Moisturize: Applying a moisturizer to the skin after the waxing can help to soothe and hydrate the skin.

Exfoliate: Exfoliating the skin a few days after the waxing can help to prevent ingrown hairs.


Wear loose clothing: Wearing loose clothing can help to prevent irritation to the skin after the waxing.

Avoid sun exposure: It is recommended to avoid sun exposure for at least 24 hours after the waxing, as the skin may be more sensitive to the sun’s rays.

Avoid certain products: It is important to avoid using certain products on the skin after the waxing, such as lotions or creams that contain fragrances or other irritants.

Follow your waxing professional’s instructions: Your waxing professional may provide specific instructions for aftercare based on your skin type and the areas that were waxed. It is important to follow these instructions to ensure proper healing.

Benefits of a Full Wax

There are several benefits to getting a full wax, including:

Longer-lasting results: Waxing can leave the skin hair-free for several weeks, much longer than other hair removal methods such as shaving.

Smoother skin: Waxing can help to exfoliate the skin and leave it feeling smoother and softer.

Benefits of a Full Wax
Benefits of a Full Wax

Less irritation: Waxing can be less irritating to the skin than other hair removal methods, as it does not involve cutting the hair.

Thinner regrowth: Over time, regular waxing can result in thinner and lighter regrowth.

Reduced ingrown hairs: Waxing can help to prevent ingrown hairs by removing the hair from the root.

Final Thought

A full wax is a comprehensive waxing service that can leave the skin feeling smooth and hair-free for several weeks. Proper preparation and aftercare can help to ensure the best results and prevent skin irritation. The benefits of waxing, including longer-lasting results and smoother skin, make it a popular choice for many people. If you are considering a full wax, it is recommended to seek professional services for the best results.

Does waxing hurt?

Waxing can be uncomfortable, but the pain is typically brief and tolerable. Many people find that the benefits of waxing outweigh the discomfort.

How often should I get a full wax?

The frequency of waxing depends on the individual’s hair growth rate and personal preferences. Most people get a full wax every 4-6 weeks.

Can I wax at home?

While it is possible to do waxing at home, it is recommended to seek professional services for a full wax, as it can be difficult to properly remove all the hair and avoid skin irritation.

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